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Waste audit in the school will help in assessing the type and quantity of waste produced/ generated in the school. It will help understand how the waste is collected, segregation of waste, and waste disposal. The audit will help to understand areas in the school which require immediate attention and appropriate actions.
It might initiate handprint actions like organizing a waste collection drive at school. Regular monitoring of data will also help understand whether the campaign is successful in the school.
- To differentiate types of waste generated in the school.
- To record data and find out the quantity of waste generated over a particular period of time
- Establish an efficient waste management system in the school.
- To assess the quantum and type of waste generated in the school, students need to undertake a waste audit. Separate audits could be done for individual classrooms, using Table 2. Data from all these classrooms could then be added to get the cumulative figure for all the classrooms.
- Waste audits would also have to be independently taken up for other areas including kitchen, laboratory, school office, garden and other common facilities being used by students; Table 1.
- Students could also undertake a waste survey in their school with the help of Form No 1 to understand what people think about the importance of waste management.
- Data analysis of the survey findings and the cumulative data obtained for the types and total quantity of waste from the school could be displayed on the Eco-Schools notice board to create awareness among the school community.
- Following the waste audit, students could fill up Table 3 to understand the end use of the waste generated, whether the same could be avoided, sent for recycling or would require to be destroyed.
- Table 4 could be filled up if the school is engaged in recycling any form of waste
Curriculum links:
Mathematics, Life Skills
Precautions to be taken:
Since students might be looking at waste in school dustbins, it is advisable they wear gloves at the time of the survey