Eco-Schools Portfolio

Overall Assessment Sheet for Green Flag Application

Eco-Schools Portfolio is all about knowing your school and getting information on how your school have adapted the activities under Eco-Schools Programme India.

We ask a few questions i.e. How was the task actually accomplished by the Eco-School? How did the students approach completing the task given? How many meetings were scheduled, and how many students attended each one? What were some of the challenges or issues that the kids or the school faced while they carried out the various Eco-Schools tasks? And so on.

The implementation process would have included these discussions in addition to many others. Documenting these procedures, learning, and mistakes is necessary. Additionally, it’s important to keep track of the student’s work by documenting it. Following the successful implementation of the Eco-Schools Programme at your school, all of these pieces of proof must be compiled and submitted as a report in the form of an Eco-Schools Portfolio.

The portfolio will require to have:

  • Evidence of the various Environmental Audits undertaken in the school
  • The process of implementation of the school’s action plans
  • Record minutes of different meetings the environmental committee undertook in the school
  • Evidence of how the rest of the school was informed about the implementation of the Eco-Schools activities
  • The impact different activities had on students and other staff members involved
  • Photographic evidence of the various activities undertaken

Documents to be included in the Eco-School Portfolio:

  • Content Sheet
  • Minutes of different eco-committee meetings (format attached)
  • Environmental audits – completed for the 5 thematic areas linking to climate change
  • Approved copies of the action plan – for the 3 thematic areas selected by the school
  • Activity Summary Sheet – consolidated listing of different activities undertaken with the primary section over the duration of the Eco-Schools programme (format attached) • Activity Evaluation Sheet – individual sheets for each activity undertaken with students from different classes (format attached)
  • Evidence of Action Projects implemented by students – for the 3 thematic areas selected by the school • Photographs/Videos Evidences

Final presentation of the Eco-schools Portfolio:

  • The final report of the school should be compiled on A4 size sheets. All the reviews, formats, minutes, etc could be printed on A4 paper and bound together to make it easy to read and handle when the programme work is being assessed.

General tips for compiling the Eco-Schools portfolio:

  • It is essential to maintain a proper record of all meetings, audits, activities, among others conducted right from the start of the programme till end
  • Periodic review of how material is being gathered for compilation in the final report will ensure, the correct information is in place and there is no need to rush for the same at the end of the programme
  • Plan the collection of information, so it does not seem like a burden at the time of report compilation
  • Each person involved with the programme requires taking responsibility for maintaining information for the final report.
  • It would also be important to record why a particular activity was unsuccessful; these would be important learning for the programme