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- Biodiversity
Various components of Biodiversity are present in our school campus. Depending on the needs of your school, schools can choose to take up one or more of the following survey sheets for the school biodiversity audit. Audits can be repeated as a monitoring tool or can also be done on a long-term basis and use the data gathered for a project
- To assess the level of awareness about biodiversity
- To understand the biodiversity of the school and the surrounding community
- To outline the biodiversity inside the school – the mapping work offers assistance in arranging activities which the school students would want to take up.
- Undertake the biodiversity survey to understand what students and teachers understand about biodiversity
- Undertake surveys to understand the plant diversity present in your school
- Undertake surveys to understand the vertebrate diversity present in your school
- Undertake surveys to understand the invertebrate diversity present in your school
- Undertake a mapping exercise in your school to understand how school biodiversity is spread out across the school campus
- Subsequent to the survey exercise and prior to the planning process, the surveys undertaken will enable the school Eco-Committees to decide how to plan further
Curriculum Links
- Introduces students to the term “Biodiversity”
- Enable students to identify herbs, shrubs and trees and understand their distinguishing features
- Introduce students to a variety of vertebrates and invertebrates
- Enhanced observational and recording skills