Assessment Criteria

Overall Assessment Sheet for Green Flag Application

The below given table will describe the assessment criteria and scoring for various activities undertaken as part of the Eco-Schools Programme. The criteria could be used as an indicator to assess whether your school has met the mandatory requirements of the Eco-Schools Programme. Points will be awarded to schools during the site visit to the school by assessor. Schools have to score a minimum of 85 points for becoming eligible for the next phase/cycle.

Assessment Criteria



Points awarded

Formation and Functioning of Eco-Schools Committee 10
Establishment Schools details including the process of formation and involvement of children-lessons in democracy
Diverse Representation Class, Gender, Different skills available with the committee due to diverse representation
No. of Meetings Arranged (To help understand how active is the committee of ESP) Minutes of meeting kept by students, follow-up actions in minutes of meetings, No. of Meetings arranged
Environmental Audit 10
Audit conducted for all thematic areas 5 audits (Adequate) 4 or less (Not Adequate) Not taken (Not Considerable) *Linking to Climate Change
Develop an Action Plan 20
Implementation of Action Plans in min. 3 Thematic Areas Indicate by tick (√) which areas were the covered
Healthy Living
Link to Climate Change
Number of activities undertaken per theme Theme 1
One Two Three More
Theme 2
One Two Three More
Theme 3
One Two Three More
Theme 4
One Two Three More
Theme 5
One Two Three More
  • Develop an action plan based on audit results that has quantifiable targets and a timeframe Planning and prioritizing of activities to be implemented
  • Most importantly planning and working on action based activities
  • No. of students engaged and understanding of students to lead the programme
  • Assessment of delivery of activities based on the outcomes as indicated in the approved action plan (Meeting the goals decided and timeframe mentioned)
  • No. of activities undertaken bull; Positive outcome and skills development
  • Min. requirements is 50% of students between classes 1 to 5 are covered as well as adopting the whole school approach while implementing
Establish linkage with the School Curriculum (Most important) 10
Linkages of all activities to curriculum/all subjects
  • Environmental issues are already integrated in the curriculum of classes 1-5 across discipline
  • The curriculum incorporates student experiences that should be inquiry-based and hands-on
Inform and Involve 20
Showcasing and informing the work undertaken by students (frequency of engagement of other students/teachers/community) Daily/Weekly/Once/Once in fortnight/Once a month/None Feedback form from students/parents/stakeholders How many of the people you reached while implementing this step inform and involve?  (Give numbers and brief)
  • Frequency of communication
  • No. of people/stakeholders connected with
  • Feedback
Using different platforms to communicate about the progress of the Eco-Schools Programme
Within School
(During school assembly/Displayed on notice board/through any days celebration/fair or actions taken)
By engagement of parents
(Involvement of parents through action based activities at homes, schools, emails, circulars, workshop, sessions as well as through surveys)
Involvement of Wider Community
(Local stakeholders/Social Media/Websites/Newsletters/School Magazines, etc.)
Involvement of Wider Community
(Local stakeholders/Social Media/Websites/Newsletters/School Magazines, etc.)
Informing other schools about this International Eco-Schools Programme and encourage them to join
  • Evidence and keep record of impact created
  • Reach out to wider community is most important step
Monitor and Evaluate 10
To check whether you have reached to decided goals or designed action plans, school have to keep monitoring
  • The team will monitor and review the progress against timeframes and targets outlined in action plans
  • Students are engaged in monitor and evaluation steps
  • Data must be used in curriculum linkages
Produce an Eco-charter/Eco-code 10
Reflection of a statement that shows schools commitment to the sustainability
Single location
Multiple locations (two, four, more)
  • Understanding the importance of Eco-code and representation of it at various places to promote sustainability
Presentation of Eco-Schools Portfolio (1-10) 10
Very Good
Fairly Good
  • How sustainability has adapted through this programme in the academic year

Environmental Studies (EVS) at the Primary Stage: EVS Curricular Expectations and Learning Indicators (details with examples can be accessed from the above link)