Healthy Living
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The drawing and colouring activity done with younger children of classes 1 and 2 could be adapted by engaging older children of classes 4 and 5 in making and consuming salads of different kinds. Children could be introduced to the concept of different kinds of vitamins present in different colours of vegetables and fruits, hence the importance of eating a variety of vegetables and fruits.
- Teachers could start the class with a quick recap of the vitamins and minerals present in different vegetables and fruits
- Children could bring different varieties of fruits and vegetables from home/ alternatively fruits and vegetables grown in the school garden could also be utilized for this purpose.
- Vegetables and fruits should be washed thoroughly prior to preparing the salad
- Children could be divided into groups and each group could be assigned with the task of preparing a unique salad.
- Children could be motivated by awarding prizes for “the healthiest salad”, “the most exotic salad”, etc.
Curriculum Links
- Introduction to the concept of vitamins
- Concepts of life skills including team work, presentation

The drawing and colouring activity could be done with smaller children of classes 1 and 2. Children of older classes (3-5) could be introduced to the concept of different kinds of vitamins present in different colours of vegetables and in different types of fruits and so the importance of eating a variety of vegetables and fruits. Older children could be asked to make a collage of different types of fruits and vegetables.
- Teachers could start the class with a quick recap of the names of vegetables and fruits that the children might know about
- Children could then be asked to draw and colour in their notebooks vegetables and fruits that they might be eating at home or might otherwise know about. Illustrations of some fruits and vegetables have been provided along with this activity
- Students could be guided to draw at least 1 fruit and 1 vegetable of every colour.
- Some colours which could be given to children for drawing different fruits and vegetables could include Orange, Red, Purple, Green, White, Brown
- Subsequent to the drawings made by the children initiate a discussion in the classroom regarding eating different types of vegetables and fruits.
- The drawings made by children could be displayed in the classroom
- Children could also be asked to bring one vegetable or fruit of a different colour and all these could be displayed in the class while doing this activity.
Curriculum Links
- Introduction to the concept of vitamins

- To introduce children to different ingredients used for preserving packaged food and discuss health impacts of some of these ingredients
- To introduce children to different types of waste produced due to the packaging material – this could be cross linked with the waste theme There could also be a discussion regarding the merits and demerits of packaging food.
- Different types of packaged food items
- Notebooks and pencils
- Magnifying glass
Time required:
- 30 min times for students to go through the ingredients listed on individual packaged food items and make a note of the same (group work recommended).
- 3-4 days time for students to collect information about the health impacts of some of these ingredients
- 1 hour discussion time in class for various groups to make a presentation
- An understanding of the different types of waste generated from different types of packaging material could also be an interesting exercise carried out by students
- Students could also look at some of the end use of the various recycled waste packaging items
A lot of our food today comes in the form of packaged products. It would be an interesting exercise to get students to look at different types of packaged products to see the different types of flavouring agents, colours, preservatives and other additives that they actually contain.
- Students could bring from home different types of packaged food items. Alternatively they could make a visit to a departmental store and list the different types of packaged food items and their ingredients
- Students could be made to look up the ingredients used, colours and preservatives and possible food allergens if any.
- Apart from ingredients children could look at the quantity of packaged product, packaging date, date of expiry and where the product was manufactured.
- These ingredients could be listed separately.
- Students could be provided 3-4 days time to find out some information about the different types of additives used and make a presentation of the health impacts of some of these products.
- A discussion in the class with the teacher could help understand the beneficial and harmful impacts of some of the products used.
- The photograph here illustrates the products which have gone in the making of the product (tomato soup in this case).
- The collected information could be tabulated as per the table provided below.

Survey of packaged food
Product Name | |
Date of Manufacture | |
Date of Expiry | |
Type of packaging (aluminum foil cover/ plastic cover/ tin/ reusable plastic box/ etc | |
Ingredients | |
Food additives (sweeteners, colours, preservatives, antioxidants, carriers, acids, acidity regulators, anti-caking agents, anti-foaming agents, bulking agents, etc.)/td> | |
Food allergens (if these are listed separately, a note of the same should be made | |