International Twinning (E-twinning) is an opportunity for Eco-Schools students and teachers to share, learn, experience, and have fun in the meantime by sharing a common platform with twinned schools.

Eco-Schools Programme India also provides this opportunity to schools to become part of an International Twinning. The perspective behind this project is to exchange the learnings and experiences on the same platform.

Indian Schools have to make the initial contacts with the twinned schools. After that students can start meeting on virtual platforms or can write emails to each other, Teachers can share resources and about their activities conducted, and together both schools can develop a project on the chosen common theme and submit reports to their respective National Operators.

The objective of this project is to raise awareness in students about Global Citizenship as well as the importance of sharing the project ideas with students of another country which can help them in growing their skills.

Eco-Schools provide this opportunity to

i) Handprint Awarded

ii) Green Flag Awarded

ii) Green Flag Plus School and

iv) Based on Performance (yet to win but best performing) schools to twinned with different schools of different countries.


Glimpses of India-Malaysia Twinning: Delhi Public School Mahendra Hills, India and SMK Changkat Beruas, Malaysia

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